Thursday, July 26, 2007

are my buttons that obvious?

It was Wednesday night after a fun day at camp and weekly horseback riding lesson. Bedtime had come and gone, but we were still just getting ready for bed. There was no time for the bedtime story ritual and really Emma was getting crankier by the second already. That piece of news was not well received by her and a melt down insued. It progressed to the need of firm direction from my part which included counting to three (which still works like a charm, thank goodness!!!) and raising my voice just to be heard over her dramatic wailing. Finally she stomped in to her room.

Emma: You did not even say please!

Me: I realize I did not. I am getting very cranky, too, and need you to just settle down and go to sleep. We are both very tired.

Emma (throwing herself on the pillow): You are not the kind mother that I thought you would be! (button)

Me: I am sorry, we've both gotten so upset, but like I explained several times, it is very late, you are tired and you need to go to sleep. Tomorrow morning will feel much better.

Emma: You lied! (button)

Me: Emma, you know I do not lie to you.

Emma: You told me that my mood would not get a story and then I asked very nicely and you still didn't give a story. You lied!

Me: That was not a lie. You did ask nicely which I appreciate, but first you were screaming at me. The reason for not getting a story was because it is late and you are too tired.

Emma: You are talking to me like I'm THREE YEARS OLD!

Me: Honestly Emma, your behavior right now reminds me of when you were three.

Emma: I am much older! I am six.

Me: I know.

Emma: I am so angry.

Me: I understand you are angry. I need you to lie down and I will rub your back to help you calm down, if you think that will help.

Emma: Alright.

After a good deal of back rubbing and a familiar night time song, she calmed down and we had a very sweet conversation regarding how difficult it often is to start with nice when one is tired, no matter how old they are. Emma agreed we were good again, and drifted off to sleep.

How does she know that two of my primary goals as a parent are to be a kind parent and never to lie to my child??? How? I guess I'll never know. On the other hand it makes me smile that my daughter knows me so well. :)

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